Beautiful Emily | Tampa Family Photographer

August 29, 2013  •  11 Comments

Have you ever heard of MITO? Me neither. Until I met *M her daughter has it. She is six. When I first talked to *M she said *E has had many surgeries in her short life and the last one she had left her feeling not so pretty. That she is starting to "get it" when it comes to outward appearance. *M wanted to show her just how beautiful she is and that what is on the inside shines so much brighter then what is on the outside. 

I really wanted to make the session special. I asked some of my fellow photographers if they knew of a children's clothing designers in the Tampa area. One of them suggested I contact Sarah Boyd Design . I found her on face book and sent her a message about *E. I really assumed I would never hear from her. Much to my surprise she messaged me back and said she would be thrilled to make something for *E and her sister. And that she did. Stunning outfits. The girls loved them so much. When we were leaving the session *E whispered in her mom's ear and asked, "are we gonna get to keep the dresses?" I answered, "of course. They are yours." 

Mom wanted to show *E how beautiful she is and also how amazing her feeding tube/tummy is. Needless to say I am in love with the entire family. They were so sweet and fun. 

Tampa Family Photographer 2013-08-26_0001 Child Photography2013-08-26_0003 Children2013-08-26_0002 Family Photos 2013-08-26_0004 This is Emily. She is strong, beautiful and I am lucky to know her. 

Childhood 2013-08-26_0005


Okay...You made me cry with this session. Not a cry of sadness...A cry of happiness and awe for that little girl...She is amazing. If I had half her strength, I would be a super-hero. You did great here baby...But...I gotta say...She did better.
These are just so adorable! Love them all! Fills my heart :)
Super cute session! She's beautiful; they both are and so full of life!
Becky O.(non-registered)
So beautiful....what a blessing for both Emily and her family! Thank you for your kindness and generosity--as well as your photographic talent!
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