Tampa Fresh Session | Ashley's Hospital Session

March 12, 2017  •  5 Comments

Hospital Newborn Session 

Have you heard of a fresh 48 session? It is a session that happens within 48 hours of babies birth. It can happen at the hospital, at your home or birth center. Where ever you give birth, that is where it happens. It is real, beautiful and baby is fresh. If you dont think you want a birth photographer but want those first few hours captured a fresh session is for you. 

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These Fresh 48 photos are just perfection! So many sweet moments with this new family of four! Love them!
Allison Anderson(non-registered)
Fresh 48 sessions are so cute -- especially when there is another sibling involved. The hospital room or home is usually so busy those first few days. That's a lot of pressure for a Tampa dad or to get photos of the people and action.
I ADORE these Fresh 48 photos these are one of my favorite sessions to do with my own clients. :) You did an excellent job capturing all the emotion, and precious moments between family.
Awww I love fresh 48 sessions! It's such a special and fleeting time. I'm sure the moms are still in such a daze from labor, it must be amazing to have these photo memories to look back on. I propbably wouldn't do birth photography, but I would love a fresh 48 session!
I adore these Fresh 48 images! As a new mom, I was too focused on taking care of my son to really take a lot of photos and I really regret that now that he's bigger. Love the idea of having a professional photographer come and document some of my child's firsts, such as meeting Grandma!
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